A Special Spirit

I wasn’t quite sure what kind of photo gallery or audio slide show would actually interest me.  I was thinking if I found something with some cool graphics or perhaps James Earl Jones as the voice over it would be pretty cool.  But I got to thinking what kind of topics might yield a cool photo gallery, and I thought about the Olympics and how I was glued to the television all of August watching them.  I had seen a couple cool photos from it but I thought a whole gallery would be even better.  During my search I found a bunch of fairly mediocre gallerie, but nothing I found worthy enough to share in class.  In my google listings I came across a photo gallery for the Special Olympics.  Having never watched the Special Olympics or really have never heard anything about them, it sparked my interest.  Here it is:


I noticed that this slide show focused on the people that participated in the Special Olympics rather than the sports themselves.  There was a lot of emotion captured in the photographs.  There was a lot of celebration, determination, and disappointment.  It revealed the true spirit of the Special Olympics and that this too is a competition just as the regular Olympics are, and it is something to take seriously and something that perhaps more people should pay attention to.

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